Friday, June 25, 2010

Royal-B 100%新鲜纯正 蜂皇浆

Royal-B 蜂皇浆的来源和生产地:

Royal-B Royal Jelly 蜂皇漿是KTS旗下 Summer Pacific Sdn Bhd 所生產的新鮮蜂皇漿,Summer Pacific Sdn Bhd 的蜜蜂養殖場是建立在無污染的北婆羅洲森林里(靠近民都魯),目前是东马唯一的一家能在本地規模生產蜂皇漿的蜜蜂養殖場,因此Royal-B Royal Jelly蜂皇漿是最新鮮、 是最純正的。

什么是 蜂皇浆?
蜂皇漿是工蜂咽下腺和上顎腺分泌的物質,用以培養蜜蜂幼虫和蜂王的乳白色至淡黃色漿狀物質,具有麻、辣、酸、澀、辛的味道。蜂王和工蜂都是雌性蜜蜂,遺傳基因是一樣的,但蜂王的體重卻是工蜂的3倍,壽命是工蜂的50倍,工蜂正常壽命約50天,蜂王可達5年以上;工蜂不能產卵,而蜂王一天卻能產下1500~3000粒的卵,這些卵的重量比蜂王本身的體重還重,如此巨大的差別,就是因為蜂王一生都以蜂皇漿為食物,而工蜂僅在幼虫期吃過3天蜂皇漿的緣故;養蜂人用特別制作的工具把剛出生12小時左右的蜜蜂幼虫轉移其中,放入蜂走群中讓出生5~15天左右的哺育蜂吐蜂皇漿來飼喂蜂王幼虫,三天后從中取出,再將蜂王幼虫移走,然后一點一點的將蜂皇漿收集起來。由於本公司注重低生產高品質的原則,故其Royal Jelly 達到國際特優品質其10-HDA超 過2%以上。


提示: 蜂皇漿有抗癌的作用。

Royal-B 蜂皇浆的品质
蜂皇漿的品質決定在於其所含之10-HDA (10-羥基-2-癸烯酸) 的成份,不在於其顏色。國際合格水準為1.4%,而Royal-B 蜂皇漿 含有達到 2.00 - 2.3% 的10-HDA,乃市場上少有之特優極蜂皇漿。

蜂皇漿中富含活性蛋白、氨基酸、維生素、礦物質、酶和多肽物質,以及自然界中僅存在于蜂皇漿中的一種化學物質~10-羥基-2-癸烯酸(10-HDA),10-羥基-2-癸烯酸是蜂皇漿的標志物質、它具 有抗菌,消炎增強免疲力,對腫瘤手術、放療,化療過程有良好的康復作用。












注: 以上所提到的效果,不是一吃蜂皇漿就可以达成。必須要每天食用蜂皇漿,食用3至4個星期,甚至2-3個月才能見到效果,效果程度因人而異。

蜂皇漿是一種純天然的、優質的葯食兩用品,可直接食用并被人體吸收;一般早晨起床后、晚上就寢前各一次,每次5~15克,空腹效果更佳,食用方式可分為:(1)舌下含服(效果極佳)(2)直接吞服或用溫開水送服(3)加蜂蜜調制成蜂皇漿蜜,沖溫水食用,切勿加熱食用。年老體弱及高血壓、高血脂、冠心病者可加倍食用,不會產生副作用。對蜂皇漿過敏者, 请慎用。

蜂皇漿在冰箱0~4℃ 的冷藏條件下可保存1個月不變質,在-5℃冷凍條件下可保存一年不變質,18℃冷凍條件下可保存2年不變質,開始食用時把蜂皇漿放在家用冰箱,在1~2個月時間內吃完。


1)250g 罐装

2)290g 高贵玻璃罐装 <新推出!附赠一个保温保利龙盒子~送礼佳选> -

面交 - Bandar Sunway, Subang
快递 - 巴生谷,槟城 (新!!),柔佛 (新!!)

注: 本品需冷冻

Introduction of Royal-B 100% Fresh, Pure, Certifed Organic Royal Jelly

Royal-B 100% Fresh, Pure, Certifed Organic Royal Jelly - International Premium Quality

Summer Pacific Sdn Bhd, part of KTS Group Company, is the only company that is capable to produce fresh royal jelly in Malaysia. Our bee farm is located in the dense of the unpolluted Borneo jungle, and therefore, we can produce the freshest and purest royal jelly in Malaysia, Royal-B Royal Jelly.

1. About Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly, secreted by pharyngeal gland and mandibular gland of young working bee and be mainly as the food of bee larva and queen bee, is milky white or light yellow, sticky and creamy substance with sour, pungent and pucker taste. Both worker and queen bee are female with the same genetic substance, but the weight of queen bee is 3 times of worker bee, and its life is 50 times than that of worker bee. Moreover, queen bee could lay 1500 ~ 3000 eggs every day, while the worker bee lay nothing. Such great difference is resulted from only 1 great reason. That is queen bee is feed on royal jelly for her whole life while the worker bee is feed only in the first 3 days of its life, then honey or pollen for its other life times.

2. How to Produce Royal Jelly
Bee farmers will use special tools to move queen bee larva (born within 12 hours) into specially design hive, then put it into the bee hive so that feeding bee(born within 5 ~ 15 days) will produce royal jelly to feed them. Queen bee larva will be removed after 3 days and royal jelly will be collected. Since our company, Summer Pacific emphasizes on low quantity, high quality production, our Royal-B Royal Jelly is able to achieve International Premium Quality, and our royal jelly contains more than 2% of 10 HDA.

3. Taste of Fresh Royal Jelly
Fresh, pure royal jelly is milky white or light yellow, sticky and creamy substance with sour, pungent and pucker taste. Ones can feel light sweet aftertaste and got its own special royal jelly smell.

4. Content of Royal Jelly
Royal jelly contains insulin-like peptides, active protein, amino acids, mineral, vitamin and 10-hydoxy-2-decenoic acid (10 HDA), which can only be found in royal jelly. More and more experiments show that royal jelly is a very suitable natural healthy food for human being. It helps to improve our health in both physically and mentally.

5. Way to consume and preserve Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is pure, naturally, excellent healthy food for human being and it can be consumed directly and assimilated by human body. In order to achieve the best result, it’s recommended to consume royal jelly 5 ~ 10 gms each time, twice per day, half an hour after waking up in the morning and before sleeping with empty stomach. There are 3 ways of consuming royal jelly, (1) put underneath tongue and swallow it slowly; (2) swallow it directly with warm water (3) mix with honey and consume directly. Please do not heat the royal jelly. Elderly and patient can consume double serving size in order to achieve better result and any individual allergic to bee product, consume carefully.

Royal jelly can be stored under temperature of 0~ 4°C (lower level of fridge) up to 1 month, -5°C (upper level of Fridge) up to 1 year and - 18°C up to 2 years without changing its quality. Once starting consuming royal jelly, please keep it in lower level of fridge (0 ~ 4°C), and finish it within 1 to 2 months.

Important Notes:
Above said benefits of consuming royal jelly can’t be discovered immediately once individual had started taking royal jelly. As royal jelly is a natural healthy food, one must consume constantly everyday up to 4 weeks, sometimes even up to 3 months, in order to achieve the benefits. Result may vary depends on different individuals.

In the past, royal jelly is so expensive due to the following reasons: (1) it has excellent benefits; (2) it’s hard to produce; and (3) it’s hard to preserve. Now, thanks to Summer Pacific, part of KTS Group Company, everyone can purchase the freshest, purest, and made locally, with excellent benefits royal jelly at reasonable price. Everyone can enjoy their life healthier and happier with Royal-B Royal Jelly.

1) How to judge the quality of royal jelly?
Quality of royal jelly depends on the percentage of 10-HDA it contents instead of its colour. Minimum requirement for 10-HDA is 1.4% internationally, while our Royal-B Royal Jelly contains up to 2 ~ 2.3% 10-HDA, is one of the best royal jelly one can find in the market.

2) What’s 10-HDA?
It’s the only natural ingredient that can be found within royal jelly. 10 HDA has a lot of advantages, for example, killing bacteria, improve one’s health, regain energy and so on. It also brings lots of advantages to those who receive chemical therapy.

According to professor Gordon from Canada who’s doing research on the effect of royal jelly to cancer during the annual meeting of Cancer Experiment Association in America in 1959, royal jelly can helps to improve the situation of the patients in various ways.

Professor divided 1000 white mouse into two groups, A and B equally. He injected cancer cell into the white mouse in group A and after 21 days, the entire mouse died because of cancer. On the other hand, he injected the cancer cell and the royal jelly into the white mouse in group B, and surprisingly, the mouse in group B survived.

3) Can asthma patients have royal jelly?
There are 3 types of asthma:
a) Causing by the effect of bacteria
b) Causing by the illness of lung
c) Causing by the allergy

For these kinds of patients, please take extra caring when taking royal jelly, especially for those who are having asthma because of allergy. It’s advised that asthma patients should only take 2 ~ 3 gms at the starting, then increase to 5 ~ 10gms if nothing happen. Stop immediately if symptom occurred.

4) Can Children have royal jelly?
It’s not recommended for children to have royal jelly because for children, they already have the very best immune system and health. But, it’s highly recommended for those who are weak, getting sick easily regardless of their ages, to consume royal jelly so that they can have a healthier body and happier life in the future.

5) Can diabetics have royal jelly?
Royal jelly contains of insulin-like kinetin, which helps to lower the blood sugar level, can bring a advantage to diabetics.

6) Who can’t consume royal jelly?
For those who are allergies to bee product, they are recommended to consume royal jelly carefully. They may consult their local nutritionist or doctor before they consume royal jelly.

Packaging and price:

1) 250g Bottle

2) 290g Glass Bottle (NEW!) comes with a foam box (great as gifts to your love ones)

Terms & Purchasing Method:

1. Bank In/Transfer payment to my account, we can meet up and pass the Royal Jelly to you in Bdr Sunway/Subang

2. Courier - Klang Valley, Penang (NEW!!), Johor (NEW!!)

Important: Fresh Royal Jelly needs to be freezed

Royal-B 100% 天然,纯正有机蜂蜜




























1-2 罐 RM10
3-5 罐 RM25


Introduction of Royal-B 100% Pure, Organic Honey

Royal-B Organic Honey is 100% PURE HONEY produced in the middle jungle of Borneo Island. It is free from chemical contaminations such as pesticides & fertilizers. Royal-B Honey is rich in vitamins and natural goodness that is easily absorbed into the human body. It is certified as organic hoeny by USDA and Eco Cert.

- Improving immune system

- Accelerating skin healing

- Replenishing energy

- Beautifying skin

- Regulating stomach acid

Email us for latest promotion price!
Weight: 1KG

Courier Service:
(for West M'sia)

1-2 Bottles RM10
3-5 Bottles RM25